


1. 询价信常用句子:
– We are interested in your product/service and would like to inquire about the price.
– Could you please provide us with a quotation for the following items?
– We would appreciate it if you could send us your price list/catalogue.
– Please let us know your best offer for the quantity we require.

2. 样品/目录申请信常用句子:
– We would like to request samples of your products for evaluation.
– Could you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue?
– We are interested in your products and would like to receive more information.

3. 订单确认信常用句子:
– We are pleased to inform you that we would like to place an order for the following items.
– Could you please confirm that you have received our order?
– Please let us know the delivery time and payment terms.

4. 付款信常用句子:
– We would like to confirm that the payment has been made.
– Could you please send us the payment confirmation?
– Please let us know if there are any outstanding payments.

5. 售后服务信常用句子:
– We have received the goods, but there are some quality issues.
– Could you please arrange for the repair/replacement of the defective items?
– We are satisfied with the products/service you provided.


1. 尊重对方文化和礼仪:在给海外客户写邮件时,要尊重对方的文化和礼仪,使用正确的称呼和礼仪用语。

2. 简明扼要:外贸邮件通常需要在有限的篇幅内表达清晰明了的内容,避免冗长的句子和段落。

3. 语法和拼写正确:外贸邮件的语法和拼写要正确,以便对方能够准确理解你的意思,并给出相应的回复。

4. 专业用语和术语:在撰写外贸邮件时,要使用相关的专业用语和术语,以显示自己的专业知识和经验。



– 可以轻松导入和管理海量的邮件列表,实现分类管理和批量发送。
– 提供多种模板和设计工具,用户可以根据需要自由设计邮件内容和样式。
– 支持发送计划,用户可以预设发送时间和频率,提高工作效率。
– 提供详细的发送报告和统计数据,方便用户进行数据分析和评估效果。
– 支持多种语言和字符,适用于国际化的发送需求。

