


1. 询问产品信息:
– Can you provide me with more information about your products?
– I am interested in your products, could you please send me some details?
– Could you give me an overview of your product range?

2. 请求报价:
– Could you please quote me for the following items?
– I would like to request a quotation for the quantities mentioned.
– Can you provide me with a competitive price for the product?

3. 确认订单:
– I would like to confirm my order for the following items.
– Please confirm the details of my order, including the quantity and delivery date.
– I am pleased to place an order with you, could you please confirm the total cost?

4. 讨论付款方式:
– What are the available payment options for this order?
– Could you please provide me with more information about your payment terms?
– We prefer to pay by bank transfer, is that acceptable for you?

5. 询问交货时间:
– When can you deliver the products?
– Could you please provide me with an estimated delivery date?
– How long does it usually take for you to fulfill an order?

6. 投诉或问题解决:
– We have received damaged goods, could you please investigate and resolve the issue?
– There is a delay in the delivery, could you please inform me of the reason and expected delivery date?
– We are not satisfied with the quality of the products, could you please offer a solution?

7. 感谢信:
– Thank you for your prompt response and assistance.
– We appreciate your excellent customer service.
– Your cooperation has been greatly appreciated.

8. 结束邮件:
– I look forward to hearing from you soon.
– Please let me know if you require any further information.
– Thank you for your attention to this matter.

